The historic footbridge across the railway at Stroud station was built in 1914 and is going to be refurbished just after the 2024 August Bank Holiday on the 27th of August.
The footbridge is a grade II listed bridge.
The main span will be moved into the station car park where it will be grit blasted to remove all the old paint to allow repainting, along with repair / replacement of any steelwork and woodwork including the staircase treads and timbers.
The station building canopies are also going to be refurbished. I’ve photographed the bridge as it currently is.
A temporary footbridge will be installed at the other end of the station so expect some big crane action!
Update, temporary bridge is in place and is shown at the end of this article.
The work is expected to be completed by next Spring.
Updated 22/9/2024
The photo below shows the temporary footbridge in place at the other end of the station. This is not yet open as the old bridge is still in use.

Updated 20/10/2024
The temporary footbridge is now in use and offers a never before seen view of Stroud railway station. In this photo, the old bridge is still in place at the far end of the train.

The bridge being somewhat open in comparison to the old enclosed bridge can feel a little ‘yikes’ if you don’t like heights!
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