Call for participants in arts event at The Beacon

The Beacon in Stroud

This was sent in to Stroudie Central that may be of interest.

On Friday 15th November 2019 at 7pm John Roy is organising an artistic event in “The Beacon” in Stroud (mainly a poem I wrote on my time as a steelworker plus a couple of my songs) and want others to join in to make it a more diverse and enjoyable experience for the audience or because you want an open mike to try out a piece(poets/songwiters/musicians/artistic ecowarriors/eurythmists).

With luck we could perform in the shop with an open door (weather permitting!) and plate glass windows on two sides.

I want a free open event with donations requested from the audience for costs.

Contact me on if interested and append what you want to do so I can get a programme together